My name is Ana and I'm a Prepper by nature.This site was created for all people who choose to prep for our uncertain future, weather you have been doing this for a while or new to the whole prepping thing. I believe that the sucess of prepping depends grately on us pooling our knowledge, experience, advice and ofcourse support as the journey we are currently on is not an easy one.
My Story
Hi My name is Ana, im a wife and a mum to a 3 year old girl. I came from the background where storing and preserving food and garden produce was the norm. Having a well thought out and well stocked pantry was also the norm and the word "Prepper" did not exist back then.
I have a huge passion for growing my own produce, preserving and ofcourse cooking. Over the past 10 years me and my husband travelled a lot to learn different cultures and their foods, which i feel has grown us as people, enriched our lives and in certain cases made us appreciate what we have.
For the past couple of years, as we know, it has not been an easy living for anyone, thats where the "prepping" game has been stepped up. We now live in such an uncertain world that is changing but not for the best.
I have started the Prepping part of my channel 5 month ago and I wanted to share my knowledge and experience abut, what we now call, Prepping. I think in some cases, people seem to misundestand the nature of Prepping, we dont all hoard food just because, and we are not all expecting the end of the world, some do but thats ok too!
My aim as a prepper is to make sure im one step ahead of whats going on in the world and do my upmost best to protect and prepare my family for whats to come. Being Prepared is more than just buying few tins of food, it is also having ability and knowledge to survive and thrive in difficult situations
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. So get intouch.
You can also find me on instagram #anasfoodandlifestyle